If your masonry is starting to show some wear and tear, you do not want to delay calling and hiring a professional team to replace it.
Today’s main topic of discussion is masonry repair projects and which ones are the most prevalent. If your masonry is starting to show some wear and tear, you do not want to delay calling and hiring a professional team to replace it. Smaller cracks and serious moisture issues should be on your radar, and you do not want to wait until the cold weather sets in to address these problems. Stone is one of the strongest construction materials on the planet. However, even this tried-and-true material could experience issues due to weather, time, and accidents. In addition, using the wrong cleaning products might affect the appearance of the stone. Read on for a handful of the most prevalent masonry repair projects.
Water Damages
Maryland is known for both its mild and extreme weather conditions. There is hardly any in between when it comes to weather. High humidity and moisture levels will affect masonry. The stone itself is nearly waterproof. However, caulking and grout are not. Masonry can also start becoming loose once it’s exposed to too much water. Loose stones are not aesthetically pleasing, and this could also cause a surface to become unsteady, which can become a hazard.
Age, humidity, and usage of improper cleaning products cause masonry to fade away. Fortunately, by hiring Lanham Construction, you are able to restore brickwork and stonework with a refacing to keep its original beauty. A professional cleaning coupled with some special products that remove grease, rust, excess grout, graffiti, and other tough-to-remove stains. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause color variations in the stone. If you do not like how this natural effect looks, we’re also able to replace the discolored stones.
Earthquakes, windstorms, or your foundation settling are typically the results of cracks in the mortar. Water damage could also weaken mortar, exposing joints to more damage. It is time for a masonry repair project if the mortar looks like it’s breaking off and there are cracked, jagged edges around the stone or brick.
Lippage is when stones or tiles are uneven. An improper installation can result from a stone or tile seeming more elevated than the rest.
Spalling happens when you ignore cracking, water damage, or other issues. This occurrence happens when water becomes totally trapped inside of bricks, and continuous freezing or thawing cycles cause bricks and stones to loosen up and slip out from the joints.
If any of these problems with your masonry hits home, let Lanham Construction know today! We’re experienced in masonry repair projects and want nothing more than to keep your home in perfect condition.
Lanham Construction For All Your Construction Needs
Lanham Construction is an award-winning and dependable construction company dedicated to serving your home or business with whichever construction project you have in mind. Our professional team is eager to serve customers throughout Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. When you pick Lanham, you won’t ever have to worry about the process. We’re here to help every step of the way.
For more information on how we can help, visit our website or give us a call at 301-459-7545!